Bandhaka nivRutti prakaraNa

By : Shri Kesava Rao Tadipatri
Pravachana video on Bandhaka nivrutti prakarana

Art by Smt.Vani Rao , Baton Rouge,LA

The basic ingredients needed for joy or sorrow -
Body, sense organs, vishaya or objects(concrete or abstract) and the mind.
So, can we say
Joy/Sorrow = F(B,S,V,M)?
(where B=body, S=Sense organs, V= Vishaya and M=Mind)
What happens in SuShupti or deep sleep?
All four are there – B, S, V and M.
Still those external vishayas fail to have any impact on the mind and so fail to give joy or sorrow. Why? Something is missing here.
Joy or sorrow = F(B,S,V,M,X)
There is this need for another thing X. What is that X? That is nothing, but abhimAna.
When all five are there, then only the joy or sorrow will ensue.

How do we know that AbhimAna is an essetial ingredient for joy or sorrow? 

Firstly, it is pratyakSha siddha as in deep sleep, we don't have abhimAna and so, the external viShayas don't play any role there. Secondly, as always the shAstras also tell, what is consistent with pratyakSha.

"mAtrA sparShAstu kaunteya shItoSHNa sukhaduHkhadAH"
AgamApAyino.anityAstANtitIkShasva bhArata ||"

What is abhimAna? How does it come, where does it come from, how does it manifest, what form and shape does it take?

Ignorance is the root cause of this abhimAna.
We obtain joy or sorrow, when there is contact between the vishsyas and sense organs - such a contact is established thru vyApAra or activities in the form of jnAna or karma, there this binding force, called abhimAna creeps in, grows to the extent that our yogyata permits. We will not get jnAna or ajAna beyond  our yogyata.
There are seven kinds of ignorance that play a vital role in becoming instrumental to bind the beings.

1. svagata-kartRutva visheSha aj~nAna --> ahaM kartA iti - kartRutva-svAtantrya-abhimAna .
The moment one thinks that he/she is an independent doer, all the pertinent attachments tighten up.

2. svagata-bhoktRutva visheSha aj~nAna
 --> ahaM bhoktA iti - bhoktRutva-svAtantrya-abhimAna
The moment one thinks that he/she is an independent enjoyer, all the pertinent attachments tighten up.

3. svagata-kaaraka svAmya visheSha aj~nAna --> mama eva karaNAni iti - kaaraka mukhyasvAmyaabhimAna

The moment one thinks that he/she is an independent controller of one's sense organs, all the pertinent attachments tighten up. The person thinks that the sAdhana happened because of the potency of the sense organs (note the words of kenopaniShat)..

4. svagata-phala svAmya visheSha aj~nAna --> mama phalam iti - phala mukhyasvAmya-abhimAna
The moment one thinks that he/she is an independent controller of the fruits of one's actions, all the pertinent attachments tighten up. (karmaNyevAdhikAraste)

5. puruShArtha vishayaka visheSha aj~nAna --> mayA eva puruShArthAH bhavanti iti - puruShArtha 
mukhyasvAmya-abhimAna or ignorance in determining which actions are appropriate puruShArthas.
The moment one thinks that he/she is an independent controller of one's puruShArthas, all the pertinent attachments tighten up.

6. puruShArtha sAdhana vishayaka visheSha aj~nAna --> mayA eva puruShArtha sAdhana nirNayaH
bhavati iti - puruShArtha sAdhana mukhyasvAmya-abhimAna or ignorance in determining which actions are leading to appropriate puruShArtha.

The moment one thinks that he/she is an independent controller of the tools of one's puruShArthas, all the pertinent attachments tighten up.

7. tArakatva vishayaka visheSha aj~nAna --> kimatra samsAra tArakaM bhavati iti - tArakatva mukhyasvAmya-abhimAna or ignorance in determining which actions are appropriate for crossing the hurdles.

The moment one thinks that he/she is an independent controller of the hurdles of one's spiritul journey, all the pertinent attachments tighten up.

Thus the seven-fold ignorance leads to seven-fold abhiAmana. Some times, they are referred as ajnAnaShaTka and abhimAna ShaTka (six fold division). 
This is similar to saying that vedas are 3 or 4.
In six-fold case, the PuruShArtha and PuruShArtha sAdhanas are counted as one category.

How to get out of this bondage / bandhana? By getting rid if all the above kinds of ignorance. How to get rid of those?

By having j~nAna saptaka or j~nAna ShaTka. The central pillar is HariprasAda.

Shri KrishNArpaNamastu.

Other Prakarana Paata link
