By: Smt.Meera Tadipatri
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Pradyumna |
Sri Jagannatha Dasaru has given us the upasana krama of Bhagavan present in our eyes in the matruka-sandhi # 9-10.
The abhimani for our right eye is Surya and for left eye is Chandra. In them Bharatiramana mukhyapranantargata Laxmi Narayana and Vamana are present as niyamakas and give the eyes the ability to see and gain right jnana from it.
Bhagavan present in the right eye ball is specifically mentioned in bR^ihadaranyakopanishad, shishu brAhmana # 4.2.2. Acharya has commented on this verse by quoting a prachina work called Narayaniya. Thus following the path of Upanishad and Acharya's and Rayaru's commentory Sri Dasaru has explained it in Matruka Sandhi # 8
Here Pradhyumna is worshipped as the main adhara sthambha to which Vayu is tied to. This is compared to a calf tied to a pole.
1. The pole here is Pradhyumna namaka Bhagavan.
2. The rope is Ambhruni namaka Laxmi
3. the calf is Vayudevaru.
Thus Vayudevaru who controls all of us is held by BHagavan thr' Laxmidevi similar to how a calf is held in place by the Sthambha with the rope. Devatas do such chintane of Bhagavan and Vayu in our eyes all the time and thus get protected all the time.
By contemplating this, helps us to keep in check the misleading sapta asura-s of the indriya-s [4.2.1], and getting the anugraha of Vayu thr' sapta indriyabhimani devata-s who worship Vayu antargata Pradhyumna rupa Bhagavan residing in the right eye. When done, these devatas protect our eyes and give 'imperishable'[axitayaH]knowledge.
As always, such chintane not only gives jnana leading to moxa but also removes the obstacles coming in our way thr' these indriyas in our day to day life.
Who are the devatas present in our eyes and where exactly they reside in our eye?
Acharya quotes Narayaniya:
These 7 devatas stay with specific names indicating such guna upasane of the Lord.
1. Rudradevaru resides with the specific name Gautama -- knower of j~nAna["sarvajnatvat.h prakIrtitaH"] and he who gives us the jnana of Vayu antargata Bhagavan by staying in the red arteries of the eye.
2. Parjanya, the abhimani for rain bearing clouds and also to some aspects of our mind resides with the name Bharadvaja [giver of food -- "vAjam annam bharedyataH vR^shhTyA eva"] who gives nurishing food thru rain and resides in the water of the eye.
3. Aditya [surya] stays with specific name called as Vishvamitra [spreads light to the world -- "Vishvamitra Akhya Adityo yatprakashanat.h"] resides in the pupil of the eye and thru his light gives perception to the universe around us during daytime.
4. Agni as Jamadagni [eater of created things -- "jAtam mitam cha atti"] resides in the iris of the eye and eats/assimilates what is shown to him. Manasa Smruti says it is black in color aka Iris.
5. Indra as Vasishhta ["vasatAmuttamo" -- uttama among the residents] resides in the cornea [and the white portion of the eye ball along with Chandra as per Manasa Smruti "shvetArasthitash-chandro vasiShTAkhya sureshvaraH" ]
6. Prithvi/bhumi devi with the name Kashyapa [one who drinks in lying position water from the clouds -- "meghavR^isshTam pibed.h yat 'kam' shayAnaiva hi sA sadA"] stays in the tears of the eye[corner of the lower eyelash].
7. Dyau/Uma with the name Atri resides in the upper eyelash and protects the eyes and in her dyau namaka Bharati devi accepts all the offerings that these devatas do. atta means eater and such eating is bhoga for her and it is indicated by "ra", thus Atri.
Thus all these 7 devatas staying in our right eye worship laxmi and Pradhyumna namaka Bhagavan present in Vayu.
Shri KrishnArpanamastu !
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